Discover your Higher Self Past Life Regression Therapy is not for everyone. Nevertheless, many people have gained great insight into their higher self during a regression therapy session with me….
Between Lives Regression is for you if you have ever wonder what happens to your soul after the body’s physical death have complex karmic issues find it hard to come to…
What is Future Life Progression? It is similar to Regression however instead of going to the past, we will jump or move to the future. And this future can be…
Many people wonder what is Introspective Hypnosis? Exactly???? Introspective hypnosis is a method that combines spirituality, Ericksonian hypnosis and dynamics of forgiveness for changes in behaviour and psychosomatic responses of…
The inner-child is not a literal child, it is a metaphorical “little you”. The part of your psyche that is still childlike, innocent, and full of wonder. The inner child…
This is for you if you would like to Connect with your ancestors to heal your lineage and change your life – past, present and future Be held in a…