Maria is a Quantum Hypnosis practitioner based in Loughton, Essex UK. A certified hynotherapist and holistic practitioner with many years experience, Maria uses Quantum Hypnosis to help people for a variety of reasons.
Quantum Hypnosis is for you if you would like to:
- Feel happier and more peaceful
- Recognize your true power
- Tap into the healing power of your higher self
- Gain insight into your past lives
- Find the keys within to unlock your future
- Release negative blocks that you subconsciously hold
- Raise your vibration
- Open the door to who you really are
Is Quantum Hypnosis different to QHHT
This is an open, naturally evolving and highly personal method that allows me to use all of my skills to help my clients. It is very similar to QHHT Sessions – Quantum Healing Hypnosis Techinque – but there are a few major differences:
- QHHT® says, no mixing of modalities.
- With BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing), I can bring all my skills and mix them as I am guided to help you. I can use EFT and hypnotherapy, Consciousness Transformation Technique, Reiki, crystal healing, quantum psycology, introspective hypnosis, NLP, EMDR, EMIT, CBT, …
- QHHT®– I must talk to, and interview the client in person and immediately prior to the session.
- In quantum hypnosis – If needed, you can split up your session to interview one day and have the session the next.
- QHHT®– All relevant information comes from the client exclusively, no information can come from the practitioner.
- When I use all the techniques i have trained in, I give the client every opportunity, encouragement and assistance to allow the information to come through them first and fully, however I can offer additional help, guidance, suggestions that might help you to achieve what you want.
- QHHT® says, no use of current technology to connect with clients for sessions, all sessions must be in-person only. No exceptions.
- With this technique I can conduct the sessions online, and in some cases, are the only possible way a session is able to happen at all.
To summarize, as an experienced quantum hypnosis therapist, hypnotherapist and holistic healer I can use any of the techniques I have been trained in, to help my clients in the most effective and faster way.
Are you ready?
The key is “Your intention” to having a great session! Once you have made the decision to have a session, your High Self is already preparing and getting ready to have a wonderful conversation with you
An average quantum hypnosis session takes 4-5hours.
Interview: 1 hour-2 hourst
Hypnosis session: 1:30-2:30 hours
Post talk: 30mins-1hour
Fees for Quantum Hypnosis
I offer a FREE, no obligation 1/2 hour telephone consultation where you can tell me more about you, your expectations, etc and find out how hypnotherapy can help you.
First Session: £195 [4 – 5 Hrs, typically]
Follow-up Session: £155 [2-3 Hrs]
Please bring a signed copy of this form to the session with you.